Honeycomb for Ocatbox for improved directional control based on the grid especially in portrait photography
21,00 € *
25,00 € * Shipping Weight 0.1 kg
29,95 € * Shipping Weight 0.15 kg
Ringsoftbox with a diameter of 45 cm for clip-on flashes
39,95 € * Shipping Weight 0.6 kg
High-quality softbox with practical quick-release function and Bowens connection for photo studio luminaires with a diameter of 60 cm
69,00 € * Shipping Weight 1.5 kg
Quick Softbox with easy-lock system in set with honeycomb grid and Bowens Mount
69,00 € * Shipping Weight 1.064 kg
Rectangular softbox with diffuse cloths and honeycomb grid
69,00 € * Shipping Weight 1.45 kg
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